zéphyr modularity
Zéphyr, a maximum modular storage
Photo : "Gris lacquered" Zéphyr heating column with towel rail. - zéphyr by Sanijura
enjoy a maximum storage
The height of the cabinet provides maximum storage space for linen together with all the products you need in the bathroom. The inside of the column is equipped with two removable glass shelves to optimise the storage space together with a fixed melamine shelf. Easy to install, pre-wired and very quickly programmable, Zéphyr only takes a few minutes to start up.
Zéphyr, 100% customizable column
Photo : Heating column with white, black or grey towel rail. - zéphyr by Sanijura
Customise your column zéphyr
In terms of practicality, the choice of no towel rail or one or two towel rails available in three colours (black, white and grey) allows the specific needs of each user to be met. The door of the column is also reversible (except for the fronts with graphic finishes / decorations) to allow adaptation to all bathroom configurations.
Zéphyr, a design column in harmony with your bathroom's decorationun meuble design en harmonie avec la décoration de votre salle de bain
Photo : Heating column with mirrored door, "bleu orage" lacquer or decor front. - zéphyr by Sanijura